Microsoft Excel 2025 formulas for data analyst

Top Excel Formulas Every Data Analyst Must Know (2025 Updated)

Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool used by millions worldwide for data analysis, financial modeling, and much more. Mastering Excel formulas can significantly enhance your productivity and efficiency. This article will guide you through some of the top Microsoft Excel formulas that you should learn to maximize your potential with this versatile software.

Basic but Powerful Formulas

XLOOKUP (The Modern VLOOKUP Replacement)


A1: Employee ID

B1: Employee Name

Syntax =XLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, [if_not_found], [match_mode], [search_mode])

Function =XLOOKUP(D2,A:A,B:B)

IFS (Multiple Conditions)

Syntax: =IFS(logical_test1, value_if_true1, logical_test2, value_if_true2, ...)

Real-life Example:

image 12niftytechfinds

Intermediate Level Formulas

FILTER (Dynamic Data Filtering)

Syntax: =FILTER(array, include, [if_empty])
image 14niftytechfinds

In the above example using this > =FILTER(Table1,(Table1[Category]=”Clothing”)*(Table1[Sales]>5000))

I have filtered Clothing category with above 5000 sales, and it results in 2 matching entries.

UNIQUE (Remove Duplicates)

Syntax: =UNIQUE(array, [by_col], [exactly_once])

Real-life Example:
unique function in excel

Advanced Analytics Formulas

SEQUENCE (Generate Arrays Dynamically)

  • Syntax=SEQUENCE(rows, [columns], [start], [step])
  • Use Case: SEQUENCE is perfect for generating dynamic arrays of numbers for analysis or simulations.
  • Example=SEQUENCE(5, 1, 1, 2) generates a column of 5 numbers starting at 1 and increasing by 2 (1, 3, 5, 7, 9).

LET (Simplify Complex Formulas)

  • Syntax=LET(name1, value1, [name2], [value2], ..., calculation)
  • Use Case: LET allows you to define variables within a formula, making complex calculations easier to read and maintain.
  • Example: =LET( sales, A1:A10, tax_rate, 0.1, total_tax, SUM(sales) * tax_rate, total_tax ) This calculates the total tax for a range of sales values.

LAMBDA (Custom Functions)

  • Syntax=LAMBDA(parameter1, parameter2, ..., calculation)(input1, input2, ...)
  • Use Case: LAMBDA lets you create reusable custom functions directly in Excel.
  • Example:
    Define a custom function for calculating compound interest: =LAMBDA(principal, rate, periods, principal * (1 + rate)^periods)(1000, 0.05, 10) This calculates the future value of $1,000 at a 5% annual interest rate over 10 years.

New Features in 2024

Dynamic Array Enhancements

  • Microsoft continues to improve dynamic arrays, enabling more intuitive and powerful formulas like TEXTSPLIT and TEXTJOIN.
  • Example: Use TEXTSPLIT to break a string into an array =TEXTSPLIT("Excel,Formulas,2024", ",") This splits the string into “Excel”, “Formulas”, and “2024”.

IMAGE Function

  • Syntax=IMAGE(source, [alt_text], [sizing], [height], [width])
  • Use Case: Insert images directly into cells, making dashboards and reports more visually appealing.
  • Example:excelCopy=IMAGE("", "Company Logo")

Expanded AI Integration

  • Excel’s AI now suggests formulas, automates repetitive tasks, and integrates with Power BI more seamlessly.

Real-world Applications

Financial Modeling

  • Use XLOOKUPLET, and LAMBDA to build dynamic and scalable financial models.
  • Example: Calculate loan repayments using PMT combined with LET for cleaner formulas.

Data Cleaning

  • Combine UNIQUEFILTER, and TEXTSPLIT to clean and organize large datasets.
  • Example: Remove duplicates and filter rows matching certain criteria in one step.

Sales Dashboards

  • Leverage SEQUENCEIMAGE, and SPARKLINE to create visually appealing and interactive sales dashboards.

Tips and Best Practices

  1. Master Dynamic Arrays: Learn how to use dynamic array formulas like FILTERSORT, and UNIQUE to simplify your workflow.
  2. Use Named Ranges: Use named ranges or the LET function to make formulas easier to read.
  3. Error Handling: Always include error handling with IFERROR or IFNA to make your formulas robust.
  4. Document Your Work: Add comments to complex formulas or use ALT+ENTER to break them into readable lines.
  5. Stay Updated: Regularly explore new Excel features and updates to stay ahead.

Microsoft Excel Shortcuts Keys:

Ctrl + CCopyCopies the selected cells to the clipboard.
Ctrl + VPastePastes the content from the clipboard into the selected cells.
Ctrl + XCutCuts the selected cells and moves them to the clipboard.
Ctrl + ZUndoReverses the last action.
Ctrl + YRedoRepeats the last action.
Ctrl + SSaveSaves the current workbook.
Ctrl + PPrintOpens the print dialog box.
Ctrl + FFindOpens the Find dialog box to search for content in the workbook.
Ctrl + HReplaceOpens the Replace dialog box to find and replace content.
Ctrl + ASelect AllSelects the entire worksheet or all data in the current range.
Ctrl + TCreate TableConverts the selected range into a table.
Ctrl + Arrow KeyNavigate to EdgeMoves to the edge of the current data region (row or column).
Ctrl + SpacebarSelect ColumnSelects the entire column of the active cell.
Shift + SpacebarSelect RowSelects the entire row of the active cell.
Ctrl + Shift + LApply/Remove FilterToggles filters on and off for the selected range.
Ctrl + Shift + “+”Insert Row/ColumnInserts a new row or column.
Ctrl + “-“Delete Row/ColumnDeletes the selected row or column.
Ctrl + 1Format CellsOpens the Format Cells dialog box.
Ctrl + Shift + $Apply Currency FormatFormats the selected cells as currency.
Ctrl + Shift + %Apply Percentage FormatFormats the selected cells as percentages.
Alt + =AutoSumAutomatically sums up adjacent cells.
Ctrl + ;Insert Current DateInserts the current date into the selected cell.
Ctrl + Shift + :Insert Current TimeInserts the current time into the selected cell.
Ctrl + `Toggle Formula ViewToggles between showing formulas and their results in the worksheet.
F2Edit CellActivates editing mode for the selected cell.
F4Repeat Last Action/Toggle Absolute ReferencesRepeats the last action or toggles between absolute and relative references.
Ctrl + Alt + VPaste SpecialOpens the Paste Special dialog box.
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow KeyExtend SelectionExtends the selection to the edge of the current data region.
Ctrl + TabSwitch Between WorkbooksSwitches between open Excel workbooks.
Ctrl + Page Up/DownSwitch Between WorksheetsMoves to the previous or next worksheet in the workbook.
Ctrl + Shift + UExpand/Collapse Formula BarToggles the size of the formula bar.


Mastering Microsoft Excel formulas is a game-changer for anyone working with data. From basic to advanced levels, these formulas empower you to analyze, visualize, and manage data efficiently. By incorporating new features and best practices, you can take your Excel skills to the next level and unlock its full potential. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, there’s always something new to learn in Excel!

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